Finally, Derek is one of the biggest steroid experts in the world. At his peak Derek was absolutely massive, with extremely large 3-D delts and a huge upper body. Derek began his career in his early twenties as a blogger. Protein is very hyped up with a lot of people advocating high amounts of protein in cutting diets to help preserve muscle mass. His constant research in the areas of health, bodybuilding and hormone optimization not only intersected with product development, but it helped earn him notable status in the industry, and companies then entrusted him with deciding what products and services they should sell. Derek openly talks about steroids on the internet. He uses his platform to discuss many health issues, particularly those relating to mens health such as hair loss prevention, testosterone levels, libido, and fat loss. How do you feel about the influence of social media today in entrepreneurship? makes no claims that the products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials. This must factor in your estimated activity level as well. The good news, according to Derek, is that if you pack on plenty of muscle when youre young, you will be able to maintain that when youre older. I originally thought I was going to work a reasonably well-paying desk job for some big company with my business degree, and that was going to be my life. After dedicating over 8 years to extreme self-improvement, I have created "More Plates More Dates" as a one stop shop for helping you to get yourself on the right path to the "best you" possible too. If you do decide to use BCAAs, I suggest you drink a couple servings prior to your cardio sessions, as they will offset the catabolism caused by the cardio session, and off-set how much muscle you can potentially lose from the session. He also offers plenty of advice about self-improvement, fitness, health, and lifestyle improvement, all available on his Youtube channel, blog, and podcasts. Required fields are marked *. We won't share your information with anyone. We do not provide legal advice. This has made his brand stronger by focusing on cutting edge content that informs people about ways to enhance their lifestyle, approach hormone optimization, maintain their health, and more. See what I mean. Learn how your comment data is processed. Derek More Plates More Dates has a host of videos with useful advice. I suggest getting blood work done to see if you have a hormonal deficiency. A much more reasonable dosage will still provide significant growth opportunity with a much lower incidence of side effects, while ensuring greater long-term growth potential, and I wish I realized this sooner. You are operating at a calorie deficit of 300 calories, thus your body needs to resort to stored energy (fat stores, glycogen stores and muscle protein stores) to expend those other 300 calories you didnt provide your body with that day. There are arguments and science to back up both claims. As a result, they could lose weight too fast and lose more muscle than they should, or lose weight very slowly because their caloric deficit is too small, or they could not lose weight at all if they arent calorie counting and they are eating a greater than or equal amount of calories to their Basal Metabolic Rate (the level of calories your body will maintain its weight on). How fast your metabolism is will determine how low your calories will need to go and how long and frequent your cardio will eventually need to get to get very very lean. Picking fibrous carbs is a good plan of attack as it will satiate you easier and leave you feeling fuller. Our main product offerings right now are our cognitive enhancing Nootropic formulas and our pre-workout formulas that Ive designed. For me for example, I actually respond best to medium-high protein, high carbs, and zero fat. If you suspect you may have a hormonal deficiency, I highly recommend you go get a thorough analysis of your endocrine system (check for inadequate testosterone levels, excessive estrogen levels, prolactin levels, etc.) The last thing you want to do is follow a predetermined macro split that is so general that it doesnt even take into account the intensity of your training, how much muscle you have, how fat you are right now, etc. ANABOLIC COOKBOOKS: 1/2 PRICE COACHING: Join My MAILING LIST: http://. This is because you will still be glycogen depleted from sleeping all night and not having eaten any calories for 8 hours (you should try and sleep around 8 hours per night). Derek from More Plates More Dates is a big fan of ecdysterone because recent studies show it increases muscle protein synthesis in humans by as much as 20%! Social media has afforded many entrepreneurs a platform to capitalize on their aspirations, where it wouldve been nearly impossible to do so otherwise. More recently, Derek started focusing more explicitly on the dating aspect of his lifestyle, with videos discussing Tinder and women. We focus on finding the most accurate information from the scientific source. Derek also owns a hormone replacement therapy clinic that provides concierge-level health care. You need to try them and see what you respond best to. Of those calories, you will want to set aside a percentage of those calories to protein, carbs, and fats. Do not start a fitness channel if you dont truly love something related to health, exercise, bodybuilding, nutrition, etc. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Best of all, ecdysterone is perfectly safe, with virtually zero side effects. Your email address will not be published. How hard, heavy, and frequently you train, how fat you are, and how much muscle you have on your body already should all be factors you take into consideration before determining what type of diet you will be following. To learn more about the brand More Plates More Dates, visit Dereks website and follow the Instagram page here Funniest thing on reddit for weeks, Bro had us in the first half, not gonna lie. Or even a totally ketogenic diet with a weekly reefed day where you replenish your glycogen stores with high carbs and low fats and medium protein to preserve your muscle tissue. My friends were all committed to getting as big and strong as possible at the time, and eventually convinced me to start working out. His unique niche is focusing on the scientific side of weightlifting, muscle growth, and supplement use. Anyone interested in using performance enhancing drugs should proceed with extreme caution. Also, having lots of leafy greens and other extremely low calorie veggies will allow you to eat a higher quantity of food, without pushing your calorie intake past your daily goals. Studies show that at least 1 million men in the United States alone have used steroids at some point in their lives. Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE, 500 mg per week split into 1x 250 mg shot Monday and 1x 250 mg shot Thursday, (Waited for ester to clear before starting PCT), Nolvadex (40 mg per day) and Clomid (100 mg per day), Nolvadex (20 mg per day) and Clomid (50 mg per day). Here are some that Derek takes: Derek of More Plates More Dates is one of the most well-educated and well-spoken YouTubers the fitness industry has ever seen. FEB 6, 2023 . Success stories are often not created overnight, rather they are built from the ground up by hustling for years. Regarding how much you do, this will be determined by how much fat you need to lose, as well as how you respond to a caloric deficit. Your email address will not be published. I love this pasta so much. This is exactly how it was laid out: Weeks. More Plates More Dates is my social media platform and what most who follow my content know me for. Derek from More Plates More Dates has many of the usual signs of long-term steroid use, such as an insanely muscular physique, extreme muscle density, and a rapid body transformation. Gorilla Mind is a dietary supplement company I launched in December, 2017. The young entrepreneur has built up a large following covering bodybuilding and self-improvement. You either increase the dosage, introduce other androgens on top of what you're already using, or you have to come off/greatly lower the dosage periodically to reset Myostatin. That sounds like an obvious suggestion, but most newbies are still doing the same cookie cutter vlogs, full day of eating, etc. Fortunately, that feeling was right and I acted on it. In December of 2017, Derek launched the brand Gorilla Mind, which is a company that predominantly sells formulations aimed to support cognitive and physical performance. Copyright 2022 More Plates More Dates All Rights Reserved. It wasn't acquired by Wealthy Gorilla Limited until 2019, and since then both our range of content and our audience have grown significantly. I couldnt even read the whole post because I kept laughing and shaking my phone too hard. Derek is a young entrepreneur who has built a presence in the self-improvement and fitness niches via his blog and social media platforms (most notable being his YouTube channel). When it comes to nutrition, Derek is a big believer in supplements and hormone optimization. Obviously this will be determined more by your availability then when it is optimal, as if you have a full time job or a very tight schedule, you may not be able to do your cardio and weight training at optimal times. He runs a Youtube channel called Derek More Plates More Dates, has a podcast, and a blog. At the initial stage of starting this brand, Derek also simultaneously worked for a supplement company and used his income to start building up his own brand. More Plates More Dates Derek Health & Fitness 4.9 670 Ratings; Your One Stop Shop For All Things Self-Improvement Related . Home; Life Style; Health and Wellness . Or did he use anabolic steroids to take his physique to the next level? Subscribe and get my 20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Wont Find On Google E-Book 100% FREE. That is only 70 mg per week on the absolute high end of the genetic elite. The platform has also attracted high-profile clients such as professional bodybuilders, Hollywood actors, and massive social media influencers. Steroids have many nasty side effects, and can cause long-term damage to your cardiovascular system and internal organs. Always consult your healthcare provider with any questions. as well as analysis of your thyroid function. Keep your weights the same and try and maintain your strength throughout your entire cut if possible in order to maintain the maximum amount of muscle mass you can. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for the Based on extensive research, our #1 recommendation for a great legal steroid alternative is ecdysterone. Derek has worked with an array of different high-level athletes and influential people, including Mr. Olympia level bodybuilders, famous DJs, Hollywood actors, and more. Whether he was low on energy or even sick, he would still go to the gym five to six times a week. Im not gonna lie, I find these calculators very hit or miss, and they can be off by up to +/- 500 calories at times which can cause significant confusion when you try to create your diet and you lose weight too fast, dont lose weight at all, or start gaining weight. Shortly thereafter I aligned myself with some great mentors who helped me wrap my head around some of the basics of entrepreneurship. I suggest if you are actually clueless about your BMR you use the calculator to figure it out, This is the calculator that I recommend . The disparity between what you eat and what you burn each day creates an energy difference each day which is measured in calories and more or less determines how much fat you lose over time. These days Derek is not as focused on bodybuilding as he was a few years ago. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. He said, Oh, like youre doing now? I was taken aback, and all I could say was Huh? but he kept cutting me off and going huh? I approach fat loss the same way I approach bulking up. Thursday is another recovery day for More Plates More Dates. How tall is Derek??? Derek from More Plates More Dates is famous for using anabolic steroids to transform his physique. Thursday, January 26, 2023; 14.01 C. So for example lets just say your body burns 3000 calories a day hypothetically, and you are eating 2700 calories each day. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Basal Metabolic Rate is more commonly referred to as your BMR or your Maintenance by a lot of guys. More recently, More Plates More Dates has shared in videos that he is focused more on the longevity of his fitness routine and his abilities. Discover the cheat that athletes use to cut fat quickly and get defined muscles. Following the More Plates More Dates workout routine and diet plan will help you build muscle, boost your focus and confidence in the gym, and help you rethink how you eat. Some would argue that the thermogenic effects of calories in your body increasing your temperature will actually allow you to burn more fat than you would normally be able to in a fasted state, while others argue that completing cardio in a glycogen depleted state is the most ideal choice for maximizing fat burning. Derek is a young entrepreneur who has built a presence in the self-improvement and fitness niches via his blog and social media platforms (most notable being his YouTube channel). follows the strictest sourcing guidelines in the health and hormone replacement industry. If you are a Type I Diabetic for example obviously it isnt as cut and dry as me saying follow this split and it will give you the optimal fat burning and muscle retention possible. I maintain the exact same physique. Is it really possible to say if someone is using steroids, without actually asking them? This is partially because we have all been brainwashed into thinking that there is no ceiling on the returns from AAS, when in reality, once you hit a gram or two per week, the diminishing returns are so drastic that even if you tripled the dosage at that point, you would just end up with more side effects and no additional muscle gain. Knowing exactly what your calorie intake is each meal per day will let you know if you are achieving your calorie intake requirements of each day necessary for fat loss. You almost never see a natural bodybuilder with Dereks level of shoulder development, so this is another clear sign that he is probably on gear. One of the biggest signs of steroid use is large, overpowering body parts especially the shoulders and traps. I didnt know what I wanted to do in high school, so I got the best grades I could so I could get accepted into one of the best business programs in the country. Follow. I easily lost 1-2 years of progress by not aggressively investing in myself sooner. August 21, 2022 by Sandra Hearth. Where did this start? 2023 Greatest Physiques. Derek is a big fan of trying out different diets; hes dabbled in the Keto lifestyle, done intermittent fasting, and swears by the Vertical Diet for bulking. Here is More Plates More Dates workout routine: Dereks first rest day of the week is Tuesday, where he lets his chest and back recover from the previous days lift. In his first Youtube videos, Derek focused on training issues, including how to add on bulk without getting fat. These are all things that will cost you money up front, but will earn you exponentially more down the line. Keep yourself full and satiated so you dont cheat on your diet. The second best time of day to do your cardio is immediately post-workout. Nothing changes. Copyright 2013-2022 Jacked Gorilla All Rights Reserved | Owned & Operated by Wealthy Gorilla Limited | Our Brands: Jacked Gorilla | Gaming Gorilla | Wealthy Gorilla. My first steroid cycle was the classic 500 mg of Test Enanthate for 12 weeks. Derek launched a supplement company called Gorilla Mind in 2017, and he also co-owns a hormone replacement therapy clinic. Anybody can starve themselves and get ripped, but that is NOT the way you should approach your fat loss goals, as you will just end up damaging your metabolism, and strip all the lean muscle mass off your body, leaving you looking like a bone rack. This isnt the answer you want to hear Im sure but Im telling you guys, the sooner you start experimenting with diets, the sooner you will learn how your body best responds, and then you can use that method every time. In effect, you have a limited window in which to reach your physical peak. When I get really hungry, I like to incorporate a giant salad into my daily meal plan as it is literally like 50 calories for a giant bowl of lettuce, spinach, and other greens and veggies, but it gets me really full and prevents me from getting cravings. The most common mistake I see is when guys are trying to get shredded they will claim their diet is perfect, but they ask why they arent getting leaner. There are a lot of misconceptions around getting very lean, and the overall lack of knowledge is one of the main culprits behind why so many people in the world are overweight, even though there are so many regular gym goers. Personal Trainer, Researcher, Author, Inventor Gym Owner, Doctor, Physical Therapist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist. The official subreddit community for the Youtube channel More Plates More Dates. Lets say you are interested in testosterone therapy, but dont know where to start. Is to slowly restrict your body of energy. Your diet should be comprised of the same clean foods you eat during your bulk phase, just less of them to allow you to be in a caloric deficit. Im not advocating it by any means, but there is no denying the benefit it would have in a strict cutting regimen operating on a caloric deficit. As he learned more about bodybuilding, Derek has been able to maintain his physique and build muscle mass by doing 3 workouts a week. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your email address will not be published. Almost all of their customers report an immediate improvement in strength and recovery, as well as visible changes in their physique within just a few weeks. I feel that it has a massive influence and it is the number one way to scale your business. Our goal is to provide you with the most scientifically accurate, unbiased, and comprehensive information regarding all research peptides and supplements. Safe to say that More Plates More Dates knows his fair share of the benefits of taking supplements. Meet Derek, the Mind and the Man Behind the Self-improvement Brand More, SIU Clears Two Thunder Bay Officers in Death of Man Ten Days After Thunder Bay Arrest, Azzah F Akhtar Effective Lead Generation Using Facebook for Realtors & Business Owners Entrepreneurs, NetNewsLedger Statement of Journalistic Standards, Two Minutes: Dealing with a Loved One Who is Abusing Drugs, March 4, 2023 Western and Northern Ontario Weather Outlook, Massive Blizzard on March 4, 1966 Shut Down Winnipeg. At his training peak, Derek went to the five or six days a week minimum. Steroids are clearly beneficial for bodybuilders and other athletes, but they also have many dangerous side effects. Ive experimented with quite a few and I found the best one to be Scivations Xtend product. Then, I changed the ester to Testosterone Propionate, lowered the weekly dosage to 100 mg, and starting pinning micro shots every day with an insulin pin to try and replicate what would be closer to normal endogenous Testosterone production (this results in higher Free T and lower levels of aromatization). In the near future, I will cover some awesome low calorie recipes for quality and actually good tasting meals you can implement into your fat loss diet that will leave you feeling satiated, and you will actually enjoy eating (yes chicken and rice can get boring I know). He runs a Youtube channel called Derek More Plates More Dates, has a podcast, and a blog. Not only is he knownas one of the greatest bodybuilders in history, but also as an action movie star, and an American politician. YouTuber More Plates More Dates claims he is a natural bodybuilder on the Joe Rogan Podcast. My mindset started to shift when I noticed that one of my mentors had developed a successful business via his presence online. He takes it upon himself to do extensive research on any diets, challenges, PEDs, and supplements that hes interested in trying. This bot wants to find the best and worst . Derek is very neutral about other people using steroids, but believes everyone should use the least amount of gear that allows them to make progress, as steroids have many dangerous side effects and should be used with caution. huh? and closing his hand shut in front of my face. Nothing could be further from the truth! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a287726ad10e3af I do suggest definitely having a higher protein intake in grams per day relative to your body weight (X grams of protein per pound body weight) than you would in a bulk phase though, as high protein content in a diet is very necessary for muscular preservation in a calorie deficit. If you are very overweight with lots of body fat and dont have much muscle to begin with, you would probably benefit most from a ketogenic diet (high protein and fat, with no carbs except trace ones from leafy greens and veggies). Having an accurate food scale for measuring out and counting your calorie intake per day will soon become your greatest weapon used to wage war on fat. Other signs that someone is on gear include rapid weight gain, extremely large but weak muscles, and red / flushed skin. People really think OP came up with it? Lets look at the facts before jumping to any conclusions. Made with testosterone. whats your story? The truth is, Derek used to be borderline obese! If could go back in time, I could have gotten away with half of that easily, and still made significant amounts of progress. Anybody who simply eats clean and gets as lean as they want without counting calories at all is actually still in a caloric deficit, they may just be unaware of it because they dont count their calories and their positive results are essentially accidental. However, if your schedule allows it, the best time to do your cardio is first thing in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach as your glycogen stores will be most depleted at this point as you have not taken in any energy yet for the day (you havent ate yet and have been essentially fasting in your sleep), thus your body will tap into stored fat to provide the energy it needs to get through the cardio session.
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