Not sexually its just someone coming really close to you physically.. and is there a fear of people sneezing or coughing or burping or any of these types of stuff? Ricci has "botanophobia" which is the fear of indoor houseplants. Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia Fear of choking of being smothered. He is also afraid of tunnels and driving through them. If there is a considerable amount, this may be more of a self esteem or self worth issue, especially since you have strong feelings of being shy. Some different rare specific phobias include spectrophobia (the fear of mirrors), chiclephobia (the fear of chewing gum), and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (the fear of long words). Scelerophibia Fear of bad men, burglars. Odontophobia Fear of teeth or dental surgery. Many people feel repetitive behavior is like a phobia because there is a fear driving it, like in your example, something bad will happen. According to a memoir by his son Jean Renoir, the French painter Auguste Renoir repeatedly expressed a fear of being buried alive. The bootylicious babe was wearing heels high enough to reach the top shelf of a supermarket, so naturally she called the paparazzi over to her, fearing taking the escalator down a floor. And it scares me . EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review. Insectophobia Fear of insects. 3. Being monstrously ugly isn't classically part of what causes this, but it probably doesn't help. If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. National Institute of Mental Health. Can you even imagine a celebrity phobia related to public speaking? It is a fear, however whether it is solely a fear or contains other components I cannot tell from the info given. Having a name for it may make you feel less anxious about it or feel like you are not that different, but it will not make the fear go away. You do not need a label to seek help and I would encourage you to do so, because this can create a huge burden on all facets of your life. Find the latin word for tea or spilling tea, add phobia and you will have your name, I suffer with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I have a fear of opening doors or answering phones, I go into complete panic mode, is there a name for this? If I eat something sticky or something sticky gets on my skin and I cant get it off of me, it basically freaks me out. Bobs never bought Christmas seals he told me he wouldnt know what to feed them, Bad news that cult recovery group just might be a cult, Below you, an entire other world operates, Many interesting behind-the-scenes bits have happened during the 20 years of telling tales about our favorite trailer-park residents, When the Coen Brothers needed someone to show The Dude how to really roll, they could turn to only one man: Hall of Fame professional bowler Barry Asher. Is there a fear of oneself hurting someone else? This is the darkest, most embracing fear. The American Psychiatric Association doesn't officially recognize this phobia. Is it a fear or are you squeamish about the tactile feeling wetness brings? I really want to know the name of this fear so I can figure out more about it and maybe know why I have it and how common it is. Pupaphobia Fear of puppets. Maniaphobia Fear of insanity. I dont know if its a phobia but I just wanted to leave this comment here anyways. You know has an adult he gets to make his own choices and this is troubling for those who love him because his model of how the world should operate is not in alignment with how it really does operate. The Hunger Games actress told The Sun, "I get so nervous before going down red carpets particularly after that fall at the Oscars". Just something to keep in mind. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. I can tell you the mind can associate fear to any object, thought process or idea, and since you are experience this, we know it exists for you. Or try to help me. Of course. Though these probably don't jump to mind as top phobias not would they likely make a list of common phobias, they're super real and there might just be a famous Hollywood celebrity who suffers from them! The dark? Needless to say, he experienced great difficulty when shooting the scene with horses for his film Water for Elephants. Past experiences are usually part (and often all) of the reason fears and phobias exist, Not sure if this is a fear/phobia? Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes. It's not surprising the poor girl has a fear of falling. Someone that has many people crushing on him or falling for him.. No matter how Im crushing on that person or I love him, I just dont wanna be with that person.. Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. Being forced to watch the entirety of Barb Wire in a mirror's reflection. Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes, 20 September 2017, 16:40 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10. That would be very much appreciated, Fear of failure is not uncommon. Do you feel you can bring value to another persons life? Your email address will not be published. Getting a label for your situation will probably have you doing lots of research on the disorder, which you hope will help you in finding a way to cope with it, but in reality will probably do very little in making you feel better or changing your situation. Its not exactly a fear of conflict, but rather if somebody approaches me with a problem I just sit there and take it and dont say anything because Im freaking out and dont know what to say. Worst case scenario for a lepidopterophobe: Sometimes its an actual light tapping sometimes it comes back in my head. Your way of connecting with people is not wrong but it does have consequences. Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables. Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs. I have been looking everywhere, plz help teehee. Is it possible to have a fear of not being able help someone or anyone if they are in a very serious situation? Bacon admitted that he even turned down an M & M commercial because his wife would never have approved! Hypnophobia Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized. While there may be names for these fears, I dont have the answer. Most likely you are not content in areas of yourself. Carpooling &Ride Sharing: Are you doing it right? I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. Just said it something that creeps them out with it in their own home please help me with this issue I am having with someone I love very deeply because its really hurting me and I want to understand the fear and also is there such a thing or just an excuse thank you . Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. I have that too. Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. Is there a name to this phobia . Her audience remarkably showed 100 percent compliance with either initiative, patiently awaiting further edicts. Also not all fears are the same. brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). Enosiophobia Fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism. Right now it is isolated to a specific item, which while uncomfortable, is probably manageable. Making a diagnosis from a couple sentences is irresponsible, so take this all with a grain of salt. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. But if this is a real problem for her, then she should look to work with someone. hello! Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts. Sounds like youre and INFJ personality type. Megalophobia Fear of large things. Rupophobia Fear of dirt. On a more positive note, I used to have a terrible fear of the dark and couldnt sleep without the light on. Scolionophobia Fear of school. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Is it true? This is not every phobia, it is merely a list of phobias. like life is a simulation? Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness. I am writing my fears for a spiritual program and provided information is very useful. Brit freaks out mid-audition from an odd power surge on stage. She is reported to have been brought to tears when shooting in cemeteries. Its not that I dont like the sound, its that the sound triggers a response of fear due to a traumatic experience I had as a child. Famous Coulrophobes: Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners. do whatever they ask so they can get off my back. Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions. Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? One way of looking at this it a person who is feeling superior, judgmental or not being accepting of others. Wonderful collection. 4pm - 7pm, B.O.T.A. Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. Is there a fear of somebody finding your weakness????? Entomophobia Fear of insects. If it is a frequent fear, work with someone (a therapist who deals in anxieties and fears) to help you over come this. I think you will find you have some self esteem issues that need to be addressed. I would think this would fall under intimacy issues, not a phobia. Eliza Rose & Interplanetary Criminal I immediately close my eyes but the scene will keep replaying in my mind. is there a fear of drinking water? There are many reasons this could be occuring. So, then I just end up either A). Maybe someone else can answer this one. I have had thanatophobia since childhood but am developing strategies, I hope! Koniophobia Fear of dust. I suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia but these fears make me physically react and almost pass out any ideas on what they would be called? Not enough information. This actually applies to people with and without eisoptrophobia, with or without the mirror. During an interview, he discussed hisfear:"I couldn't tell you what it is. She is one of sixteen people to win a Grammy, Academy, Emmy, and Tony Award. So if you were wondering what sort of person believes butterflies are a source of unspeakable peril, first ask yourself if this person would buy into Tom Cruise's heterosexuality long enough to marry him. A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". I have a phobia of not knowing whats behind me and wil sometimes stand by a wall so i dont turn around all the time. please tell me something about trypophobia. the fear of numbness, or emptiness. Knowing the names of phobias can be helpful and fun, but living with phobias can be extremely painful. Pathophobia Fear of disease. Im not scared of razors but I can go numb and worse if Im getting hurt with it (not because of the pain but just the act). I don`t even remember anything of my childhood.. Gerontophobia Fear of old people or of growing old. Pediculophobia Fear of lice. Is there a phobia for the fear of shirt tags, or labels on fabrics like blankets or towels? Singer-actor Justin Timberlake is believed to be afraid of spiders, snakes and all other creepy crawlers. Kynophobia- Fear of rabies. Arrhenphobia Fear of men. It is of more help to deal with the mechanism of how the subconscious creates fear instead of the subject matter the fear is based on. Paraskavedekatriaphobia Fear of Friday the 13th. Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. We guess the key there is that she said she was afraid of being in a pool "alone" so apparently Ricci figures she can get out of the pool and let her friends succumb to the domesticated house shark instead. Worst case scenario for a chromophobe: What curse was placed on the O'Brien family that would give them a son with a webbed foot? As for is there the possibility someone fears unable to experience touch? World Psychiatry. There may also be other things going on, but not enough info to be sure. But it sounds as if you may have issues with people getting close to you or creating a meaningful bond. Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia or Dermatopathophobia Fear of skin disease.. 2013;12(2):92-8. doi:10.1002/wps.20050. Noah, it is possible to have a fear of anything, including the ability to contact people, though there may be some other underlining fears driving the one you have. Traumatophobia Fear of injury. Hello! Henry, not wanting to tell someone something they may not want to hear creates discomfort for many people, it is just to what level. Algophobia Fear of pain. Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria. My guess is much of your thinking is very black and white, right and wrong and that is OK, but it can make life more challenging. I just cant breathe without it. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), approximately 12.5% of adults in the U.S. will deal with a specific phobia in their lifetime. Middle of the back seat of a clown car. Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched. Is their any phobia involving holding onto things you did wrong??? but i do wish that i could stop all of my OCDs(i got like 4 of them), Nothing changes by doing nothing. I dont close my eyes when i shower and i try not to close my eyes for more than a blink. Amathophobia Fear of dust. You may be suffering from social anxieties, PTSD or some form of paranoid feelings. The mind can have a fear of almost anything, real or made up. Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween. What's Taylor Swift afraid of? Christina Ricci is deathly fearful of being alone in a swimming pool as she believes that a door would open up in its floor and swallow her alive. And I kinda geared up a bit because I thought Id loose it. Liam ' s One Direction bandmate Niall Horan apparently has a fear of pigeons when too many are flying overhead. 1. Is this a separate phobia or just an extension of the predetermined? We all behave oddly at times. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving fear of a situation or object. In all my disturbing, unnerving, scary, or just down-right strange dreams, I can never talk or scream or shout etc., at least I cant hear it, and the dreams are normally really quiet or completely silent. The challenge is not just your perception of possible danger for children, it is you dont trust you will be able to handle something happening to them. Names help in billing clients, working with insurance companies and writing papers, they seldom help in getting people to release them. And slightly afraid of this with strangers? This doesnt mean you have some strange disorder, since the mechanism for fear can be used on anything the mind can think of. . I saw there is a fear for not being able to catch things, but mine is the opposite. That is not what most mothers want to hear in these situations, but you know you cannot run his life, you know you cannot change the mind of a son who is trying very hard to distance himself from you. When i went closer to it. Chirophobia Fear of hands. It turns out 1D is full of funny phobias. Seek help. Wish I could offer something more hopeful, but acceptance of what you can control is sometimes the best answer to situations. Menophobia Fear of menstruation. Ive been searching through it over the net, but I cant find one. Its just the thought that humans took over practically the entire planet freaks me out is there a name for this? Not all fears are phobias. Nancy, about some people having phobias and others not, it is a mental issue and is developed in the brain. Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries.. Some are more common than others. That is really how phobia names are created and you dont need to be a doctor. Botanophobia is not to be mistaken with Boitanophobia, which is the understandable fear of being forced to watch competitive male figure skating. 'Normal' people might laugh at those who are afraid of cotton balls. Vote up the weirdest celebrity phobias below and learn something new about these famous actors, singers, and personalities. Christina Ricci is a more pure botanophobe, being perpetually creeped by "filthy" household plants. I suppose its the same with sleeping pills. When I am without someone I know in public , I start to panic and find it hard to breathe . Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning. Many people label anything they fear as a phobia and unfortunately this is not always correct, especially with the fear of germs. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. I rather fall flat on my face, have a broken nose and teeth than breaking my fingers. However, things got progressively worse for J.Law and her phobia as it was later revealed that she once tried to jump out of an Air France plane because of her extreme claustrophobia. I also have this fear, and I was looking for someone who has it also. Im just really interested. Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Something worth checking into with your local health professional, Is there a name for the fear of being emotion less? My mother hate old stuffs of the house and throw them out into the waste even numerous times she discards useful things. I dont know what it is but it just scares me and shuts me down, While this may be a phobia, it sounds like it might also be something deeper, or not, depending on how it impacts your life and how often. Nicole Kidman suffers from this celebrity phobia and is believed to have been unable to walk through a museum room housing dead, horrifyingbutterflies. The condition is called trypophobia. Once you become better at noticing these thoughts, you can then work on replacing them with more positive, helpful thoughts. Other famous people who had cat phobia: Genghis Khan, William Shakespeare, Louis XIV, Isadora Duncan and Adolf Hitler. Unless this is something that just pops up every so often, I would check with a local health professional in your area and get this diagnosed, Is there a name for the fear of uncertainty. Ricci admitted to the New York Daily News that indoor houseplants disturb her, as do swimming pools ("natatiophobia"), and that touching a dirty houseplant is like torture. The only way I can handle it is to write/type it all out and put in a place I know theyll find it. Perversely I have no issue with dry tea leaves, I can hold these and let them cascade through my fingers, even like the sensation and the smell. Its not the height that bothers her either. Is there a fear of someones feelings for you changing? Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone. Atychiphobia often used for fear of confrontation, but does that apply to you, it may or it may not. This is more likely to be OCD, obsessive compulsive behavior, which has a whole lot of other attributes connected to it. compos mentis means control of the mind. Phobias are common and treatable. Hominophobia Fear of men. I dont think this is healthy. This article lists more than 100 of the most common phobias. Many are anxieties, obsessions and other disorders that have the symptoms of fears. I dont know if there is such a word, but very often this type of thinking can lead to other problems of low self esteem, obsessions, etc. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Finding out that plants have become sentient and attacked humanity, and knowing that no one will ever believe you. Is this a specific person you are afraid of or just in general? If you are asking for the name of such a fear, find the Greek origin and add phobia. This may be more OCD oriented than just a phobia. Please see About Phobias for more information. It tends to only be wet grass though I have tried searching for it but i can only find fear of grass. i hope this helps other people who have this feel not alone or crazy other people do have these phobias :], is there a fear of knowing somebody is watching you, A fear of knowing or a fear of believing. Stars like America's current sweetheart Jennifer Aniston as well as Tony Curtis (who supposedly turned to hypnosis to cure it), John Madden, Muhammad Ali, Cher and Johnny Cash have all admitted to the extreme fear of flying. Once shes upstairs, I will relax. Right now Im feeling uncomfortable writing this but i need to figure this out. The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. I dont know what its called, but I definitely have is as a phobia. Gynephobia or Gynophobia Fear of women. Is this every phobia that exsists? What could be said about it? Likewise, Carmen Elektra experiences panic attacks at the sight or thought of being near water since she is not able to swim (wonder how she shot the episodes of Baywatch!). Fear of yourself / mind, P.S some of these might not be phobias but I just need to know because this is what I feel and yeahh, First all of these fears can exist and you are correct in realizing they are not all phobias. Maybe. Sure, they associate with scary carny folk, and yes, they cloak their emotions with makeup that gives them the pallor of the undead. I realize at your age access to help may be limited, but you may want to see if you can talk to a therapist if possible to see why your are reacting this way, So many phobias but not the one I have. Is this just a fear of traveling in a car or something else? You can have a fear about anything. If you are fearful, have you tired working with someone yet or have you in some other way tried to make changes in yourself. Sufferers of botanophobia can presumably only find respite in the desert or the arctic, at least until living space on the moon is widely available. Psychology has compiled thousands of phobias, to the poi In a relatively safe world, the part of our brain that alerts us to danger just seems to get bored sometimes. Its getting serious. Stephen Kings IT might have exacerbated the fear of clowns in the hearts and minds of Americans. (I need it for a story Im writing, its really important for the story line). Is there a fear of someone always following you, This would probably fall under the heading of paranoia. Im not sure if I can describe it to you correctly, but I think I have this fear because Ive broken my arm and leg a few times. Gerascophobia Fear of growing old. It is a fear in which the bearer has strict fears of others or themselves being harmed in any sort of way. Hoarding. The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes. Coke was originally supposed to make you smarter or something. If you believe that you have the symptoms of some type of phobia, consult a doctor for further evaluation and treatment advice. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Is there a phobia of not knowing where you are? Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Please let me know if there are other people out there who suffer from this. You will definitely want to work with someone who can assist you on this. The memory of that nightmare comes rushing back, and I will just about panic if I cant make the sound stop. Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women. This principal of psychology is not formally called the Nicole Kidman Principle, but give it time. Family, boyfriend, friends, co workers Feeling negativity from these people or feeling hated/ unwanted/ not needed by them. Sure their designer clothes and million dollar accessories tend to throw us offwe simply assume that nothing ever touches these people. Melissophobia Fear of bees.. Just a suggestion. Its not being looked at that scares me, the idea of being followed, under surveillance, stalked, etc. Phagophobia Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. Cenophobia or Centophobia Fear of new things or ideas. Medications may be prescribed in some cases to help manage some of the symptoms you might be experiencing as a result of your phobia. I cant watch gymnastic jumps or arm wrestling without getting anxiety. Automysophobia Fear of being dirty. Phobia means fear and the possibility exists in any of us that anything can be feared. There are many things that could be happening, there is just not enough information in your message. I dont actually fear that these things will happen, but its almost like Im building up my pain threshold just in case. Not enough info. I have the exact same fear and dream. It a white wall but it looked like something was protruding out and now my brain feels tense. Is there a phobia name for being picked up by someone.